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Young Explorers FAQ

Why “WGVU Young Explorers?”
WGVU Public Media’s mission is connecting with communities using the strengths of public media to educate, inform, inspire and entertain. A large part of that is by
providing wholesome, fun, and educational programming and learning opportunities for youths. As they grow, they are constantly absorbing information from everything they experience, and West Michigan is incredibly fortunate to have so much to see, do, and learn about. We chose the name “Young Explorers” in hopes that the title, and the opportunities and benefits associated with the program, will inspire children (and the adults in their life) to want to get out and discover all West Michigan has to offer.

Who can participate in WGVU Young Explorers?
Any youth ages 0-to-12 years old! Don’t worry about the geography; WGVU is happy to include any aspiring Young Explorers who might just be visiting West Michigan.

How will I sign up children for WGVU Young Explorers after getting a Family Membership?
Signing up children for Young Explorers will be done directly on the donation page when you make the gift for your Family Membership. If you are donating via check,
adding onto an existing membership, or experiencing issues, please contact Joe Perin, WGVU Membership Specialist, at or (616) 331-7281 – OR –
contact Simon Wagner, WGVU Audience and Member Services Coordinator, at or (616) 331-6413.

What if I already donate $8+ per month, or $96+ per year?
If you already support WGVU Public Media at the level required for the Family Membership, please email our Membership Team and we will assist you with getting the children you want to join Young Explorers signed-up.

How does a child in WGVU Young Explorers take advantage of member benefits?
After being signed up for Young Explorers, member youths will be sent a “welcome” packet within four-weeks; this packet will contain important information on perks,
the Explorer’s “Young Explorers” membership card for the calendar year, and any relevant items for member benefits (ie. Vouchers, tickets, passes, etc.)

When do benefits of WGVU Young Explorers expire/reset?
Benefits of a Family Membership, and membership in WGVU Young Explorers, will expire one year after the gift was made; it is recommended that gifts for Family
Memberships be made on a sustaining basis to make sure youths do not miss out on any Young Explorers perks. Additionally, specific perks of being a WGVU Young Explorer are fluid depending on the partner providing the perks. For example, a local museum may offer a perk on a yearly basis while a local sports team may offer tickets based on their season of playing. Perks may be added throughout the calendar year.

Does a Family Membership or WGVU Young Explorers membership come with special access to PBS Kids programming?
No, all PBS Kids programming is available to watch and stream for all members of the community.

Do I need to pay to watch PBS Kids programming, or get the PBS Kids app on my smart TV?
No, PBS Kids programming is always free and available for the public to enjoy, so children in your life can always have wholesome, educational shows to watch. You
can click here to learn about getting the PBS Kids Video app on your smart TV.

Who do I contact with questions about WGVU Young Explorers or Family Membership?
Please contact Joe Perin, WGVU Membership Specialist, at or (616) 331-7281 – OR – contact Simon Wagner, WGVU Audience and Member Services
Coordinator, at or (616) 331-6413.

PBS Passport is a benefit of a Family Membership with WGVU; what all does that mean?
All members of the community can watch hours of PBS programming online (including a live stream), as well as through select smart TV’s with the PBS App.
Some programming will be unavailable to watch unless the streamer is a sustaining member of WGVU Public Media, meaning they contribute at least $60 per year/$5
per month. 
With the Family Membership your family will surpass that sustaining membership level, giving you access to hundreds of hours of programming on the PBS App that will educate, inform, and inspire you and your family!