WGVU Volunteer Opportunities
There are many ways for you to support WGVU Public Media, your local public television and radio station! Volunteering with WGVU is a fun way to see how a public media station operates from the inside. There are also plenty of opportunities to meet new and diverse people, with a common interest – supporting quality programs and events at WGVU!
We have volunteer opportunities for individuals and groups, short-term, long-term, or recurring service. Please review the available volunteer opportunities (below) and then fill out the volunteer form.

Phone Bank for TV Pledge Drives
Connect with the community by answering phones and receiving pledges during live television pledge nights! This is a great volunteer opportunity for groups, businesses, and organizations (maximum 6 volunteers per night.) Groups can wear branded items when volunteering and additionally, WGVU can put the organization’s logo on screen behind the phone bank. WGVU’s pledge drive weeks occur approximately four times per year during the months of March, June, August, and November. Training will be provided on the date of your volunteer shift.
Donor Thank You Calls
Help WGVU say “thank you” to our members! We are looking for recurring volunteers to assist in the office by making donor appreciation phone calls. This role is a critical part of our donor stewardship strategy. Volunteers can create their own weekly schedule within standard business hours of Monday-Friday from 9:00am-5:00pm. Suggested volunteer shift length is 2-3 hours, once per week. There is no solicitation of funds or pledge renewals involved; you are simply conveying our appreciation
Special Events
- Food, Wine & All That Jazz
- Great Food & Wine Symposium
- KidsDay at the AirZoo
- WGVU Brunch
- Kids Day at the Zoo
- Member Previews
- Screening Events
- Special event volunteers support WGVU’s community and fundraising events in a variety of ways to ensure that the events run smoothly! Tasks may include: set up, assisting with registration or check in, greeting guests, clean up, etc.
Community Ambassadors
As an active participant in our community, WGVU hosts and participates in special events in West Michigan throughout the year. Community Ambassador volunteers help make this outreach possible by staffing festival booths and representing WGVU Public Media at community events in Grand Rapids, Kalamazoo, and on the lakeshore! Volunteers will pass out give-aways, information, and greet visitors at community events in which WGVU participates.
Mascot Volunteers
Mascot volunteers support WGVU at a variety of events or partnerships by dressing up as a PBS character such as Daniel Tiger, Nature Cat, Super Why, and many more! Mascot volunteers’ height must be 5’7” or less to comfortably fit in the mascot outfits.
Volunteer Focus Groups
Are you interested in having your opinion heard? Do you want to weigh in on PBS and NPR programming? As a member of the WGVU PBS/NPR community we want to hear your voice.
WGVU Public Media is looking for volunteers be part of a focus group. We want to know what you love, what you hate, and what you would like to see in the future. This is a great opportunity to be hands on, and be part of WGVU.
Office Support
Provide support on an as needed basis to assist with stuffing mailings, creating packets, or other administrative tasks.

Benefits of Volunteering
Volunteers are invited to WGVU’s annual Volunteer Appreciation Picnic (Spring 2019)
Volunteers receive a monthly e-newsletter with station updates and volunteer opportunities
Networking opportunities with other volunteers, get to know your fellow community members!
Knowing that you are contributing to a mission you care about: to educate, inform, and entertain the West Michigan community
Groups volunteering for the Pledge Drive Phone Banks may promote their business/organization/group on air by having their logo shown on screen