Senior senator – Debbie Stabenow – Democrat
731 Hart Senate Office Building Washington, D.C. 20510-2204 Phone: (202) 224-4822
731 Hart Senate Office Building Washington, D.C. 20510-2204 Phone: (202) 224-4822
Hart Senate Office Building Suite 724 Washington, DC 20510 (202) 224-6221
414 Cannon House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 Phone: 202-225-4735 House Armed Services Committee, Veterans Affairs Committee - https://bergman.house.gov/
1317 Longworth House Office BuildingWashington, DC 20515Phone: (202) 225-3831 The House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure and the House Committee on Small Business - https://scholten.house.gov/
2436 Rayburn HOB Washington, DC 20515 Phone: (202) 225-6276 House Committee on Energy and Commerce, House Committee on Education and the Workforce - http://walberg.house.gov/
1210 Longworth House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 Phone: (202) 225-4872 – House Committee on Armed Services, House Committee on Homeland Security, House Committee on Veterans' Affairs - slotkin.house.gov
218 Cannon House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 Phone: 202-225-2106 House Committee on Armed Services, House Committee on Education and Labor - https://mcclain.house.gov/
1722 Longworth House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 Phone: (202) 225-8171 – House Committee on Education and Labor, House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology, Select Committee on the Strategic Competition Between the United States and the Chinese Communist Party - stevens.house.gov
Address Not Available - Committee On Homeland Security, Committee On Small Business - https://thanedar.house.gov/
117 Cannon House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 Phone: (202) 225-3561 The House Committee on Appropriations and the House Select Committee on the Strategic Competition Between the United States and the Chinese Communist Party - https://moolenaar.house.gov/
2232 Rayburn HOB Washington, D.C. 20515 T (202) 225-4401 – The House Financial Services Committee, House Foreign Affairs Committee - http://huizenga.house.gov/
116 Cannon House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 Phone: (202) 225-4071 The House Committee on Energy and Commerce, The House Committee on Natural Resources - https://debbiedingell.house.gov/
227 Cannon House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 Phone: 202-225-3611 – The Ways and Means Committee, The Budget Committee - http://dankildee.house.gov/
1319 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515 (202) 225-4961 Transportation & Infrastructure Committee, Foreign Affairs Committee, Education & the Workforce Committee - https://james.house.gov/
1628 Longworth HOB Washington, DC 20515 | Phone: (202) 225-5126 – House Committee on Financial Services, The House Oversight and Accountability Committee - tlaib.house.gov/